
Monday, January 4, 2010

Wake up!! Live the Life You Love!!!

Hello:) All the beautiful hearts of the world!!!!

Here i found a very inspiring Quote says " Wake up Live the Life You Love "...!!!

Dont you think its really something Intresting!!

It means,
Wake up..Wake up..Wake up..You are here to Live not to Leave!!!
Live the Real Life not Reel Life!!!
& Love to Your Life!!!

Sometimes such Questions in our life creates like,
What are we doing? How is our Life? What is Life? etc..etc..

The Problems & Questions are always creates to those who is trying to live their life with out loving it!!!
[Its lyk, Pyar karo Janwaron se aur Saadi karo Insano se!!!]

So, Wake up Guys n Gals!! "LIVE THE LIFE YOU LOVE"

lods of luv,
Sagar Anand Popat.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

HOPE- A Positive Belief

Whenever we do anything,
Whenever we take any decision,
Whenever we try anything new,
We just have one thing with us-'Hope'

We faith in someone,
We believe in something,
We get strength in doing something,
All are paved into us with one thing-'Hope'

Success looks easy to achieve,
Problems look easy to solve,
Money looks easy to earn,
Life looks simple to live,
'Hope' is what makes us do all.

I wondered, Would there be anything without it?
Would there be any positive thoughts without it?
Would there be any patience without it?
Would there be any motivation without it?
Would there be anyone ever, who might ever overcome failure without it?
I m certain, it would not be possible without the 'HOPE'

HOPE is a special word,
Its only essence is positivity.
No one ever hopes for the bad.
HOPE is a feeling,
We feel it to fulfill what we want.
HOPE is a Positive Belief.
So, lets Hope for the best together!!

Universal Law of Attraction.

Ask - Know what you want and ask the universe for it. This is where you
need to get clear on what it is you want to create and visualise what you
want as being as 'real' as possible.

Believe - Feel and behave as if the object of your desire is on its way.
Focus your thoughts and your language on what it is you want to attract.
You want to feel the feeling of really 'knowing' that what you desire is on
its way to you, even if you have to trick yourself into believing it – do

Receive - Pay attention to your intuitive messages, synchronicities, signs
from the Universe to help you along the way as assurance you are on the
'right' path. As you align yourself with the Universe and open yourself up
to receiving, the very thing you are wanting to manifest will show up.

source: The secret by Rhonda Byrne

Friday, January 1, 2010

Welcome 2010!

Another fresh new year is here . . Another year to live! Wishing You a Very Very Happy New Year :)